How To Fix Melted Turf

Discover how to fix your melted turf, and prevent future turf damage with 'Turf Protect' window screens, in this article from the screen-pros at Total Screen.

When mid-day sunlight reflects off Low-E glass windows, sun reflection from the window can melt artificial turf lawns.

Window + Sunlight = Melted Turf

Concentrated sunlight reflection can melt an artificial-turf lawn, leaving unsightly lines and streaks.

Energy-efficient windows are a common source of reflection, so if you want to prevent turf-melt, then first start by fixing the window reflection problem.

If you already have melted and streaked turf, it's important to know that you can't 'fix' or 'repair' the turf, but you can usually replace the damaged sections.

Damaged-Turf Example Images

As we mentioned earlier, if your artificial turf has already been melted by sun reflection, it's crucial to first fix the source of the turf-melting problem: the reflective window.

If you don't cover up the reflective window, then your newly-installed artificial turf will become streaked and melted, just like the original turf was.

This is where Total Screen's 'Turf Protect' window screens come into play.

'Turf Protect' Screens Save Turf

Total Screen's 'Turf Protect' screens prevent window reflections from melting artificial turf lawns.

Simply get our 'Turf Protect' screens installed, and -INSTANTLY- your windows stop producing turf-damaging sunlight reflections. 

'Turf Protect' window screens are professionally installed by Total Screen in mere minutes, and they're available in various frame colors to match your home's aesthetic.

Once your 'Turf Protect' window screens are in place, they'll provide your turf lawn with up to 10-years of reflection protection.

Benefits Beyond Turf-Melt Pevention

By getting 'Turf Protect' window screens, homeowners will get benefits that extend beyond preventing turf-melting issues:

  1. 'Turf Protect' cools rooms down by 5-degrees, or more
  2. 'Turf Protect' prevents window-reflections from melting your artificial turf
  3. 'Turf Protect' allows full outward visibility, plus increased exterior privacy
  4. 'Turf Protect' window screens create a finished look for a home

Click here to call Total Screen today to schedule your free 'Turf Protect' window screen estimate, and say goodbye to turf-melt problems for good!

Remember, prevention is key - If you're considering installing artificial turf or have recently done so, don't wait for damage to occur.

Be smart right from the start, with Total Screen's innovative 'Turf Protect' window screens.

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