Artificial turf is a popular choice for many homeowners, but it is vulnerable to window burn caused by Low-e glass panels. Contact Total Screen today, and we'll install special 'Turf Protect' window screens to prevent further turf-melting problems.

Streaks in artificial turf are not normal; they're actually melted patches of turf, caused by window reflections.
Understanding Turf Melt
Turf melt is characterized by unsightly streaks running through your otherwise pristine lawn.
Contrary to popular belief, streaks in your turf are not "normal wear and tear".
Streaks in your artificial turf are indicative of 'Window Burn', which is a phenomenon typically caused by sunlight reflecting off low-e windows.
This reflection acts like a magnifying glass, focusing the sun's rays on your turf and causing it to burn.

Example of Streaked Artificial Turf Due to Window Burn Reflection
The Real Culprit
The problem isn't with the turf itself, but with the windows.
Low-e windows are designed to reflect heat, which is beneficial for keeping your home cool but can be detrimental to your artificial turf.
Until these problematic windows are covered, the turf will continue to be burned, resulting in a recurring problem

Turf Melt is caused by sunlight reflecting off Low-E window glass
The Total Screen Solution
By covering your low-e windows with 'Turf Protect' screens by Total Screen, you can effectively reduce the majority of heat reflection that causes turf burn, and this solves reflection the problem, moving forward.

Our Turf Protect screens save your artificial turf from damage; if you get your screens installed before too much turf damage has occurred, then you'll also spare yourself the cost of replacement turf installation.
If you have already experienced significant turf burn, then it's important to get our Turf Protection screens installed before you get your replacement turf installed, otherwise your new turf will burn in the same way as the old one did.
Prevention is Better Than Cure
Turf melt prevention is a more cost-effective and long-term solution compared to turf replacement. By addressing the root cause of the problem by installing Turf Protect on your windows, you can enjoy a beautiful, streak-free lawn without the worry of recurring turf burn

Total Screen installer at work installing a Turf Protect window screen
At Total Screen, we are committed to providing innovative solutions to common problems. Our Turf Protect window screens are just one example of how we strive to meet the unique needs of our customers.
Contact Us Today
If you're experiencing turf melt, don't hesitate to contact us at Total Screen; we'll help you cover up the problem windows and prevent further turf burn.
Click here to call us today for a free measurement appointment, or fill out our short questionaire below; let us help you protect your artificial turf with our Turf Protect window screens.

Remember, the key to a beautiful, long-lasting artificial turf is not just in its maintenance, but also in preventing turf melt. Trust Total Screen to provide you with the best solution.