The Best Screens for Windows

When it’s time to install new screens for windows or replace old screens for windows, every homeowner wants to know they are choosing the best option. The right screens for windows can provide protection, security, energy savings, and more for your home. This article will overview the benefits of quality screens for windows and how to choose the best screens for windows for your needs.

Choosing a Window Screen
A simulated scenario comparing un-screened window, compared to a screened window.

Why Install Screens for Windows?

Screens for windows serve many important purposes. Window screens prevent flying insects from entering your home while allowing fresh air to flow through open windows. Some specially designed screens for windows also block sunlight to reduce heat gain. And reinforced screens for windows act as a barrier to intruders.

Well-installed screens for windows can make your home more comfortable, efficient, and secure. As your existing screens for windows age, holes and tears may develop that compromise their effectiveness. Be sure to replace screens for windows as soon as damage occurs.

Types of Screens for Windows

The two most common options for screens for windows are fiberglass mesh and aluminum mesh. Fiberglass mesh screens for windows effectively keep out insects and debris. Aluminum mesh screens for windows offer greater strength and security against animals or intruders attempting to enter through a window. Choosing screen window replacements requires considering your needs.

In some climates, solar window screens help reduce cooling costs by blocking sunlight before it can turn into heat indoors. Solar screens for windows can lower room temperatures by up to 15° F. They also protect furnishings from sun damage.

Professional Installation

Getting the most out of your screens for windows relies on proper installation. Attempting a DIY screens for windows project risks ending up with ill-fitting screens that have gaps for pests to enter. Hiring professionals ensures your screens for windows are measured, fabricated, and installed correctly.

For expert screens for windows installation in San Diego, contact the professionals at Total Screen today.

The experienced technicians at Total Screen have installed quality screens for windows on homes across San Diego for over a decade. We offer thorough screens for windows installation services as well as repairs for damaged screens for windows. Our team will get your screens for windows fixed promptly so you can enjoy fresh air and protection from pests this season.

Contact Total Screen for Your Screens for Windows Needs

Let Total Screen provide you with perfectly fitting, durable screens for windows for your home. To learn more about our comprehensive screens for windows services or request a quote, contact Total Screen today. Our friendly staff is happy to answer any questions and ensure you get the ideal screens for windows for your home. Investing in durable, high-performing screens for windows pays dividends in comfort and security for years to come.

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